The Guinness Book of World Records officially recognizes Hum, Croatia as the world's smallest town with 23 inhabitants. Created in medieval times, Hum continues to maintain medieval structural integrity in the modern world. With the distinction of being the birthplace of Croatian literacy, Hum is also the Mecca of the Glagolitic alphabet.
The medieval practice of electing a Prefect continues in Hum with males of the tiny town gathering in the municipal loggia to engrave their votes on a wooden stick. The election is followed by a folk festival showcasing the finest traditional dishes and the excellent homemade wine and brandy of the locals.
While Hum is the world’s smallest town, visitors can find accommodation at a guesthouse, as well as local food at the town’s restaurant. A combination of breathtaking scenery, unparalleled historical value, and cultural significance, Hum may be off the beaten path, but it is an adventure into the past. The ability to traverse the stone paved streets of their forefathers is an adventure the residents of Hum treasure. History is not only rich and abundant in Hum, it is alive and well. Hum is a must see on the list of incredible adventures for the explorer interested in medieval architecture, and a definite destination for anyone desiring a relaxing retreat.